9:30 Leavenheath Morning Prayer
9:30 Nayland Holy Communion
11:00 Stoke Holy Communion
17:30 Wissington Evening Prayer
9:30 Leavenheath Morning Prayer
9:30 Nayland Holy Communion
11:00 Stoke Holy Communion
17:30 Wissington Evening Prayer
8:00 Nayland Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Leavenheath VH First Sunday Praise
9:30 Wissington Holy Communion
11:15 Polstead Holy Communion with Confirmations
18:30 Stoke Evening Prayer
8:00 Wissington Cancelled
9:30 Stoke Morning Prayer
11:15 Leavenheath Holy Communion
16:30 Nayland Evensong
8:00 Stoke Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Polstead Morning Prayer
9:30 Wissington Morning Prayer
10:00 Nayland Family Service
18:30 Leavenheath VH Evening Praise
9:30 Leavenheath Morning Prayer
9:30 Nayland Holy Communion
11:00 Stoke Holy Communion
17:30 Wissington Evening Prayer
8:00 Nayland Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Wissington Epiphany Carols Service
9:30 Leavenheath VH First Sunday Praise
11:15 Polstead Epiphany Communion
18:30 Stoke Evening Prayer
Christmas 2024
Tuesday 24th
15:00 Stoke Crib Service
16:00 Leavenheath Christingle
16:00 Nayland Christingle
18:30 Stoke Carols by Candlelight
23:30 Stoke Midnight Mass
Wednesday 25th
9:30 Polstead Family Eucharist
9:30 Leavenheath Holy Communion
9:30 Wissington Family Morning Prayer
11:15 Nayland Family Eucharist
Saturday 21st December 2024
18:00 Stoke Carols on the green
Sunday 22nd December 2024 Fourth Sunday of Advent
8:00 Wissington Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Stoke Morning Prayer
11:15 Leavenheath Holy Communion
18:30 Nayland Nine Lessons & Carols
Saturday 14th December 2024
18:30 Polstead Carols service
Sunday 15th December 2024 Third Sunday of Advent – Gaudete
8:00 Stoke Holy Communion BCP
10:00 Nayland Family service
17:30 Wissington Evening Prayer
18:30 Leavenheath Carols by candlelight
Wednesday 18th December 2024
19:00 Nayland High street Carols
Saturday 21st December 2024
18:00 Stoke green Carols
9:30 Leavenheath Morning Prayer
9:30 Nayland Holy Communion
9:30 Wissington Morning Prayer
10:30 Leavenheath Angel Festival
11:00 Stoke Holy Communion
14:00 Leavenheath Carol sing-song
8:00 Nayland Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Wissington Holy Communion
9:30 Leavenheath VH 1st Sunday Praise
11:15 Polstead Holy Communion
18:30 Stoke Evening Prayer
8:00 Wissington Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Stoke Morning Prayer
11:15 Leavenheath Holy Communion
16:30 Nayland Evensong
8:00 Stoke Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Polstead Morning Prayer
9:30 Wissington Morning Prayer
10:00 Nayland Family Service
18:30 Leavenheath VH Evening Praise
9:30 Leavenheath Remembrance Service
10:00 Wissington Remembrance Service
10:45 Nayland Remembrance Service
10:45 Polstead with Stoke Remembrance Service (wreath in Stoke at 12:30)
Monday 11th 10:55 Nayland War memorial Remembrance Day
8:00 Nayland Holy Communion BCP
9:30 Leavenheath VH First Sunday
9:30 Wissington Holy Communion
11:15 Polstead Holy Communion
It’s with great sadness that the Benefice of Stoke-by-Nayland with Leavenheath and Polstead and Nayland with Wissington announces the loss of one of its much loved members, David Rowe, Licensed Lay Minister who served this community so many years. All our prayers accompany his family.
May he rest in peace and rise in glory +
Don’t forget tonight 31st October 2024: Christ is the light of the world! Come either to St James Nayland or St Mary Stoke-by-Nayland. Churches will be lit by candlelight and we will welcome you with refreshments.
8:00 Wissington Holy Communion BCP
11:15 Stoke Harvest Festival
11:15 Leavenheath Holy Communion
16:30 Nayland Evensong
Don’t forget our Light Stops in Nayland and Stoke-by-Nayland on the 31st!