
Sunday 28th April – Fifth Sunday of Easter

Forthcoming services are as follows.

Sunday 28th April

8am           Wiston                Holy Communion BCP (SJ)
9.30am      Stoke                 Morning Prayer
11.15am    Leavenheath      Holy Communion (SJ)
6.30pm       Nayland              Evening Prayer

NEXT  Sunday 5th May 

8am          Nayland                  Holy Communion BCP (SJ)
10am        L’heath VHall          First Sunday
11.15am   Polstead                 Holy Communion (SJ)
3pm  Wiston  Rogation service Trailer ride & refreshments
6.30pm     Stoke                      Evening Prayer

For details of other events please see the pew sheet attached.


Fourth Sunday of Easter – 21st April 2024

There are services in all five of our churches this Sunday.  We’d love to see you.

8am           Stoke               Holy Communion BCP (SJ)
9.30am      Polstead           Morning Prayer with refreshments
9.30am       Wiston             Morning Prayer with refreshments
10am          Nayland           Family Service with refreshments  (HS/SJ)
6.30pm      Leavenheath    Evening Praise in the village hall

Also lots of notices to read on the pew sheet.